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As we all celebrate Heritage Day on 24 September, we believe that being proudly South African means celebrating our heritage every day. Our mission is to build brands with unrivalled passion for the future of the company and our people. As good corporate citizens our commitment is to meaningful transformation that creates sustainable growth and […]
Focus on Premium Market Gives DGB Winning Edge
DGB Ltd led the South African category at the prestigious Mundus Vini Grand International Wine Awards, winning over 40% of all Gold medals awarded to Cape producers at the Spring Competition, which is traditionally held just before the annual Prowein Wine Show in Dusseldorf. READ MORE.
DGB’s Premium Wine Strategy Delivers Golds at International Sauvignon Blanc Showcase
Four wineries in the stable of South Africa’s DGB wine group each won a Gold medal at this year’s Concours Mondial du Sauvignon, the most prestigious international competition for Sauvignon Blanc – one of the most commercially successful wine categories in the world. READ MORE
DGB Harvest Report 2020 | A collaboration with Mother Nature
If 2020 has shown us anything so far, it’s that Mother Nature is always in charge. With this year’s vintage described as one of the shortest and intense picking seasons on record, one might say that perhaps she offered a guiding hand to ensure the DGB vineyard and cellar team worked in collaboration with nature […]
DGB Executives Put their Pockets on the Line in Covid-19 Crisis
DGB (Pty) Ltd, one of South Africa’s leading drinks companies, has reinforced its absolute commitment to ensuring the group and its suppliers get through the current COVID-19 crisis by requesting its senior executives to agree to a three month pay-cut. READ MORE
CliffCentral guest interview with Tim Hutchinson
As the founder, shareholder and CEO of alcohol wholesaler and importer DGB, Tim Hutchinson has seen many peaks and troughs in his 35 years of business. He admits though, that he has never experienced quite a drastic move like the government-instituted lockdown that South Africa is currently under. Gareth finds out what the lockdown means […]